Thursday, December 27, 2012


Here are a few pictures of my smoothies and some tips to enjoying them!
1. Bananas - Slice 1 banana in chunks and put into a ziplock bag, then into the freezer. I don't like adding ice so this is perfect for me.
2. I love adding almond milk and Greek yogurt to make it creamier.
3. I always add a fruit and usually it's frozen. Ex. Strawberries, peaches, pineapples, blueberries, mixed berries, mangos. I am not a fan of fruits that are really seedy but raspberries and blackberries are okay but not my favorite.
4. Greens I have tried:
- Liked - spinach, kale, chard (red & green) romaine, mint,
- Didn't Like - dandelion greens, mustard greens, avocados
5. After I put the ingredients in I just had water to blend. Not a lot but a little at a time.
6. There is an app I like on the iPhone I think it's just called green smoothies anyhow it's great! It tells you the nutritional value of every fruit and vegetable and course gives you recipes.
7. Lately I have been loving chia seeds in my smoothies. Check them out. Maybe my next post should be about a post dedicated to chia seeds. I love them that much.
Until next time.......

Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Green Smoothies and Weight Loss

Many people have noticed or asked about my recent weight I figured I could share my story and experience. I kind of wish I had been blogging this all along. Oh well, here goes.....
Maybe In a later post I will post before and after pictures. First I must say this all started because a friend of mine was losing a ton of weight and I figured it's easier if you have someone to help you through so we could both do this together. In March 2012 I started just eating less and going to the gym more often. Seriously that was just the beginning. In April I went to Utah to meet up with my parents and drive back to California with them. While we were in Utah my mom had gotten a book from my Aunt called "The Green Smoothie Diet
Green Smoothies Diet: The Natural Program for Extraordinary Health
I read the whole book on the drive from Utah to California. I was hooked and ready to make huge changes in my life. My mom and I made our first green smoothie while in California. It was great! So we tried a few more recipes while I was there. Then I was convinced I needed my own blender and was ready to become a green smoothie fanatic. Ha Ha I have tried several greens, some I liked and continue adding to my smoothies and some I will never try again! You live and learn. Other days I would realize I didn't have everything the recipe called for so I would make my own concoction. Kelli (my cousin) has been a good sport and trying them and telling me "well you've made worse ones before."
But little did I know that here I would be 9 months later loving green smoothies, exercising 5 days a week and losing weight. So far I have lost 47 pounds.