Monday, May 26, 2008

Random Moments

So here are some random moments. The first couple of pictures are Karoke. We rented a room and Kenny invited a ton of people. It was so much fun. Taylor jumped on the table and did a super funny and cool dance and sang. Westin and Kenny did their famous performance of Roxanne. It was great!! Other pictures we had the boys go get pedicures with us. We met Maribel there and had pedicures. Trey didn't want to go but now he wants to go back. They are addicting. Kenny has these crazy stilts that the boys like to play on. It's like a circus at Kenny's house sometimes

Easter Sunday

We had Easter Sunday at my parent's house. Joe and Dawn came with their kids, Danielle (Dawn's sister) and her kids came and some of Dawn's family came. It was a blast.

Anthony and Vanessa's Wedding

I came home in March for Easter and it happened to also be the same weekend as Anthony and Vanessa's Wedding. I actually came home on Friday and was able to go to Nugget and hang out all afternoon with everyone at the office. It was a fun weekend.

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

more cruise pictures

I wish these were in order. Oh well just read backwards.


So I know it's been forever and you have all been waiting for the cruise pictures well here they are. I hope you enjoy. There is a lot to say about the pictures but that would take forever more. So just look and if you have questions let me know. For the record the tattoo was just a spray on.