Sunday, December 30, 2007

Opportunity Village Evening

Not sure where in Vegas this is but my Uncle drove. Anyhow I guess every year it's all decorated with Christmas lights and it's really pretty. So we walked around for a bit. There was even a Harley Davidson Christmas Santa and tree. Many of you people recieved the email of the cop picture with the line "what happens in vegas stays in vegas." If you are still wondering what happened well stop wondering because if you know me well enough then you will know nothing happened. We were just talking to the cop and he was really nice and let us sit in the back. (Not very comfortable) So if you all thought there was a big story behind that sorry to dissappoint you.

The latest happenings!!!

So this was a crazy weekend. Pictures are not in order but first I went to an activity with a bunch of people. We started the night off by going ice skating and playing broom hockey on ice. I fell pretty hard on the ice it was rather embarrassing because I was telling "teaching" a friend how to ice skate and then after I fell he asked "is falling part of the lesson?" Afterward we went to a place called SKYMANIA it is wall to wall trampolines. So awesome, except my chest hurt from the fall so I didn't jump as much as I wanted to and halfway through I was tired and just wanted to sleep. It was 1:30am at this time. Then we went to Sunset Station for breakfast by the time we left there is was 3:45 in the morning. I had to then drive to Heidi's house because she wanted to leave for Arizona at 5:00am in the morning. I finally made it to her house at 4:30am. I slept for 20 mins on her couch before she woke me up to leave. Then I got in the car and slept the whole way to Arizona. Actually I woke up about 30mins before we got there. Then we went to dinner with some friends that Heidi knew from EFY. We also went to the Temple and saw the lights. There was a really cool beaded nativity displayed in the visitor's center. Also Steve one of the guys that hung out with us is an Arizona Highway Patrol Officer. So I tried on the handcuffs for size. One size fits all! Don't worry they were new handcuffs and they haven't really been on criminals yet. Oh yeah we also went to Walmart to mess around and we found the aisle with the back massagers so we all gave each other back massages. Random I know.

So for those of you that haven't heard this is the model plans for the "inter city" I am not too sure of the details maybe you can google it.

Tuesday, December 4, 2007

In Cali for Thanksgiving

So I went home to Cali for Thanksgving. Dawn picked me up from the airport in Reno. We ate breakfast at Mimi's Cafe and then drove to the Ranch to see Dawn's Aunt and Uncle. On the way we stop to see where Dawn's grandparents lived and saw some beautiful friendly horses, and a pony. Then we drove to the cabin in Soda Springs where we spent Thanksgving. I had some good bonding moments with the nephews that day. The next day was Thanksgiving with the family and lots and lots of yummy food. On Friday we drove back down to Woodland where I was able to catch up with some friends and hangout. We also took family pictures on Saturday. I can't wait to see those. If you don't notice Michele wears glasses now. On Sunday my mom and I walked over to Fern's Park to see what has been re-built since the fire. My mom put together the front of the fire engine.

Monday, November 26, 2007

Waiting for internet to work again!

It seems as though I haven't been blogging as much lately but I just haven't really been taking pictures I guess. We did go off roading last weekend here are a couple of photos. We were just killing time before a block party/dance.

It seems as though I haven't been blogging as much lately but I just haven't really been taking pictures I guess. We did go off roading last weekend here are a couple of photos. We were just killing time before a block party/dance.
So this weekend was interesting because I went to the same shopping center three nights in a row. So it began on Thursday night when a friend asked me to dinner at Town Square. I drove myself and met the other three there. I arrived earlier then they did so I walked around for a little bit but by the time I made it to H&M they were there and I had to go find them. We ate dinner at Claim Jumpers and then we had to be somewhere else for a surprise party so I didn't really get to shop, but the place was so cute that I had to go back. So the next night Rachel, Russ, Kenny, Danielle, and I all went. I finally was able to make a purchase at H&M and walk around for a little bit. I ate again at Claim Jumpers (right now it's the only place open in there.) After that we drove past some cool looking Christmas nights and I wanted to go so Kenny paid $13.00 for us to check out these lights. They were cool but some were a little strange. I thought it was fun but not worth the $13.00. The next night Alise wanted to go to Town Square and check it out so we went again for the third time. This time Santa was there and his reindeer. We also ordered really yummy milkshakes and then came home and Danille and I took silly pictures while we waited for people to come over. Then we played DDR! For those of you that are wondering if I was still any good because it has been so long well..... I think I am even better then I was before. I mastered my favorite song Kick the Can with max combo of 115 steps (which is how many are in the whole song) and so I cleared it perfectly both times. I also did rather well on other songs. I even was able to pass the double mats songs which I don't think I had done before. So I hope our downstairs neighbors aren't too upset. I am DDR crazy!

Sunday, November 11, 2007


So I guess I am a little behind of keeping up with my blog page. I just realized I didn't blog about Halloween. What was I thinking. So here are the pumpkins we carved, and a few halloween pictures from a party. By the way we went to this party and I ran into Sis. Mueller's friend. Which is funny because she kept saying I needed to meet him and tell him to write her. I kept thinking what are the chances of that. Well funny enough I actaully remembered the name and when I met this random kid ( there were hundreds of people at this party.) So when I put it all together it was just so funny! Seriously what are the chances of that.

Sunday, November 4, 2007

Dinner and a show!

This weekend both offices of Tingey were invited to go to dinner and show. We went to a Brazillian resturant called Pampas. We filled our plates with all kinds of side dishes. I was daring and ate some random stuff. Then we sat back down and the waitors came around with 10 different kinds of meat. You must love meat to really enjoy this place. When the meat came around the waitor would offer you a slice (or however much you wanted) and then move to the next table. Then another waitor would come in and offer you another kind. Let's see if I can remember what I ate: filet, tri-tip, lamb, turkey wraped in bacon, sausage, pork, ham and pineapple, bbg chicken, and beef. WOW! So good! Then they brought out dessert. I didn't really like the dessert that much but PARTS of it were really good. This was so funny because I then started dysecting the key lime pie or was it cake? Anyhow I ate the cream on top, the filling (three parts) the backside of the piece and then Russ discovered the jelly lime film on the plate that was super good. Then I decided to eat the lime. Bad idea I had a sour taste in my mouth for awhile. Then Russ and Peter decided to see if they could eat the lime slice without making a face. So they did and it was so funny because they tried so hard but neither one could do it.
After the dinner we went to the show. Stomp Out Loud was so awesome. They use things like trash cans, keyes, boxes, brooms, bags, newspapers, water in pipes, tubes, and others items (that aren't coming to mind right now) to make rhythms sounds. It was pretty funny. The audience was even invovled by clapping. One guy on stage would clap twice and we followed. Sometimes we would get off beat and he would then get mad because he was training us so well and then we just mess it all up. It was entertaining. Oh yeah they didn't talk on stage it was just noise. Now don't be looking for pictures because there aren't any of the show. No photos allowed, but I will have memories forever and if you want memories too they come down here and see the show. Call me while you are here too! After the show we came home and watched a movie. It was a fun night.
