Tuesday, March 25, 2008

My trip to Utah/ Catherine's Wedding

I rode to Utah with the Englands for Catherine's wedding. It was quite the good times. Lots of fun random pictures. I also hung out with Patty for some fun times and played Bang with Uncle John, Aunt Karen, Kristen, Mark, and my parents. It didn't think I would like the game but it wasn't so bad. We also taught the Varney family how to play football. It's not what you think. All I have to say is that the judge's name isn't a monkey says Oink, and I am really good at losing the first round everytime. This trip was pretty fun.

Nugget Market Bag off in Vegas

So I know it's been a while but it's been a little busy. Anyhow I was able to go to the National Bag-off Champship in Vegas. It was so fun to go and see familiar faces and cheer on Eli. He got 2nd place. Not bad and he took home some cash.We also went to dinner at Rum Jungle. It was a cool place and the food was awesome. There was also cast members from the movie National Lampoons Bag Boy. We got to see the premiere and meet some cast members. Carrie and I thought it was fun to run around asking for autographs. I even got to meet the guy from Princess Diaries.